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2025 52 Book Challenge

2. A character with red hair. After she's gone / Camilla Grebe. Enjoyed The ice beneath her, but After she's gone is in a different league. Gripping  crine novel with some great twists and brilliant characterisation. I loved Jake! 10. Author's last name is also a first name - The city of God / Michael Russell. War time thriller set in Rome. The latest in a long series featuring Irish detecive, Stefan Gilespie, I really enjoyed it and can't wait to read the rest. Historical detail is wonderful (and rather disturbing), but it's also an excellent thriller. Highly recommended. 24. Title is a spoiler - The spy who came in from the cold / John Le Carre. The spoiler in this case really doesn't matter as it is the process of how the spy comes in from the cold is what is important. I've re-read this book several times, and it's one of those which really repays re-reading. It's a wonderful book. Not just a great spy novel, but a great novel. 30. In the public...

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2024 52 Book Challenge